Our club relies on volunteers, which is what makes the Gold Coast Wildcats an amazing basketball club. It takes a lot of work to keep the club successful and we appreciate everyone who donates their time and commits to helping the club succeed.
Do you want to get involved? There are so many ways….
- Coach a team – Our team coaches are volunteers; we are always looking for more parents to put their hands up and coach. You don’t need a basketball background, just be someone who is looking to help lead the team, learn from our experts and ensure that players have someone to guide them. Our Basketball Director is always on hand to assist and guide you through your coaching journey.
- Are you a player looking to coach? We need assistant coaches to help support our team coaches. So, if you’re a current player who is keen to step up and take on an assistant coaching role in addition to playing club, let us know and we will match you up with one of our more experienced coaches. Volunteering as an assistant coach will allow you to learn the basics of coaching in a safe and supported environment getting you ready to coach your own team in future seasons.
- Manage a Team, Team Managers – All of our teams need someone to keep them organised, this involves sharing information about the season, organising and managing a team group chat/communication, be a point of contact for the team, scheduling the roster for score bench duties and generally just helping out the coach if they request assistance. We have a dedicated Facebook page for our team managers and coaches to answers any questions you have during the season. We’re always there to help our volunteers!!
- Join the Gold Coast Wildcats Basketball Club Committee, our club committee is elected at our Annual General Meeting every year. Committee roles include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and four General Committee member positions (Basketball Director, Presentations and Fundraising, Court bookings/ Team managers/ Blue cards and Socials/ Uniforms and merchandise). If you would like the role description for any of the committee positions, please email info@wildcatsbasketball.com.au along with any questions you may have about the role.
If you have a special skill you want to offer us, email info@wildcatsbasketball.com.au – we would love to hear from you.
Keep up to date with the latest Wildcats news via our Facebook page: